Pediatric Imaging

Why Get a Pediatric Radiology Second Opinion

Infants, children, and adolescents have a unique and intricate developing anatomy that differs greatly from that of an adult. Pediatric radiologists undergo extensive subspecialty training that is crucial for accurate image interpretation. However, only 3% of radiologists specialize in pediatric imaging. As a result, non-specialists are often reading pediatric radiology scans. DocPanel provides access to pediatric radiologists who can help ensure the best care for our young patients.

How It Works

75-85% of pediatric imaging studies are not read by a subspecialty pediatric radiologist. 1

42% of second opinions provided by a pediatric radiologist reveal discrepencies 2

Major discprencies

Minor discprencies

Pediatric 3


Pediatric 4


DiscrepAncy RAtes are particularly high in pediatric neuroimaging and pediatric body Imagings 3

“The most important advice that I give parents when their children have imaging done is that they should always, always have subspecialty level care.”


Michele Walters, MD


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